
卢寰1,2, 时振英1,*
1中国科学院上海生命科学研究院植物生理生态研究所, 上海200032; 2中国科学院大学, 北京100039

通信作者:时振英;E-mail: zyshi@sippe.ac.cn;Tel: 021-54924078

摘 要:

穗型是水稻株型的重要组成部分之一, 也是影响水稻产量的关键农艺性状之一。穗的形成过程是一个涉及腋生分生组织发育、花序结构建成和籽粒发育的复杂生理生化过程, 是众多基因参与调控的一个复杂有序的网络系统。本文简介了水稻穗发育的一般过程, 总结了近年来同水稻穗发育相关的基因的研究情况, 分类叙述了这些基因调控穗型的机理以及可能存在的相互关系, 讨论了植物激素信号途径的相关基因和miRNA参与调控植物穗发育的机制。

关键词:水稻; 穗型; 腋生分生组织; 植物激素信号途径; miRNA

收稿:2013-01-08   修定:2013-01-21


Molecular Research Progress of Rice Panicle Development

LU Huan1,2, SHI Zhen-Ying1,*
1Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200032, China; 2University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100039, China

Corresponding author: SHI Zhen-Ying; E-mail: zyshi@sippe.ac.cn; Tel: 021-54924078


Panicle architecture is an important component in plant architecture in rice (Oryza sativa L); panicle architecture is also a key ingredient that could influence yield. The process of panicle formation involves a se-ries of complicated physiological and biochemical processes including the development of axillary meristems, the establishment of inflorescence and the formation of seeds, panicle formation is a systemic process regulated by many interlinking genes. In this review, the general progress of the development of a rice panicle is intro-duced. Genes that have great influences on panicle development are categorized according to their different reg-ulatory mechanisms. Genes function in the plant hormone signaling pathway may also influence panicle archi-tecture, and miRNA-mediated regulations of panicle development are discussed.

Key words: rice; panicle architecture; axillary meristem; plant hormone signaling pathway; miRNA

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